Sports Day

Sports Day

Sports day

Every year we have an annual sports day in June. Some of the activities include Egg and spoon race, tug of war, relays, puc fada and Athletic races. We have lots of others as well. Every year we have great fun. All Children from the Montessori to Sixth class participate. There are lots of other games for younger kids like giant Kinect four, piggy back races, hockey and Javelin throw. Everyone is a winner at our sports day. Parents and past pupils are always welcome

Sports Day

KIltiernan NS Sports day

By Oisin and Ben

Write-a-book Kiltiernan NS


Write a Book

Most children have finished first drafts by now. After mid-term we will be editing and completing our dedication, acknowledgments, About the author and front and back covers. Everybody loves doing it. The teachers have all helped editing them. When we are finished in early March we will post some pictures on the website. Watch this space.

booklist Kiltiernan NS

Write A Book

Write a book Fifth class


The Write-A-Book project is something our school participates in every year. It is a competition for Galway children who would like to become real authors. Each pupil in the school writes their very own book. You can write about anything you like and it can be as long as you desire. The deadline for having our 1st draft finished is the 14th of February 2014. One child in each class wins in every school. You can also receive a ‘Highly Commended’ prize. The Awards Ceremony will be held in June at a hotel in Galway.

Let’s get writing!!

By Chloe, 5th class