Trip to the Cathedral
/in 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nOur trip to the Cathedral
On the 13th of May, a week before our Confirmation the 6th class of Kiltiernan, Labane and Ballyglass went for a tour of the Cathedral in Galway. When we arrived we walked up a flight of stairs to the organ. The organ was huge. It had lots of different pipes which made lots of different sounds. There were 3 different keyboards which have different pitches. The man who played the organ showed us how if he pulled knobs and pushed buttons the organ would make the sounds and tones of different instruments. Later we went outside to see the huge entrance doors. There were pictures on these doors which told stories from the bible of some of the sacraments. We examined the stain glass windows which also had stories from the bible on them. The group then walked up the aisle looking at the Stations of the Cross which were made of stone by a woman from Dublin over 20 years. We went down underground to the Crypt where the Bishops are buried. We saw portraits of the old Bishops and the map of the diocese. Overall it was a brilliant day! Thank you to Fr Roche from all of us for a great trip.
By Alannah
Show and Tell in the Senior Room
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nShow and Tell
On the 10th and 11th of April, we did show and tell. We had a lot of interesting items such as an old record player, brownies, a side saddle, teddy bears from Hamleys and a cast iron kettle. Most of the demonstrations included a power point presentation. We had many pets in and outside our classroom such as dogs, a lamb and even a hen. Oscar, Laura’s dog was not able to come in this week so he came in last week! We had great fun looking at all the interesting objects and chasing the animals around the school. Do it again after Easter Miss?!
Our Write a Books are finished
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nOur Write – a- Books are finished!
By the 7th of March everybody had finally finished their wonderful write a books. A few days later they were sent to the Galway education centre to be distributed to another school. At the school they were judged by other teachers and eventually sent back to the education centre with long awaited results. Last week they were collected by one of our teachers.
We held an assembly where the winners and highly commended entrants were announced. There was a winner in every class as well as a few highly commended works. In the Senior classroom the winners included John, Chloe and Simon. Highly commended awards were given to Ben, Laura, Aine, Erica, Oisin, Hannah, Molly, Aoibhe and John. Congratulations to everyone who took part and well done for all the hard work. We are delighted to finally be finished it for another year but it was a rewarding experience.
Studying Rocks in the Senior Room
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nStudying Rocks in the Senior Room
We were studying rocks this week. We were asked to collect some rocks over our long weekend. We found some interesting types of rocks including basalt, marble, slate, limestone, sandstone and granite. Erica’s granny collects rocks from all over the world. Erica brought in some samples of her granny’s collection for us to study. She had fool’s gold (pyrite), rocks with one side polished so that you could see minerals in them, pink limestone, chalk and an egg shaped rock that was emerald green in colour! We learned about igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The area we live in is a mainly limestone area. Limestone is a sedimentary rock.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
/in 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nSeachtain na Gaeilge
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge againn ón 10ú lá go dtí an 14ú déag de mhí Márta. Bhí cluichí gaeilge mar “fiche ceist” agus “Cá bhfuil Seán” sa seomra ranga. Bhí Tráth na gceist againn freisin sa halla ar an Aoine. Bhí an bua ag foireann Alannah agus foireann Laura.
Ar an gCéadaoin bhí seisúin ceoil againn le Róisín. Sheinn sí an cláirseach agus an bosca ceoil. Bhi na páistí ag seinm ar an bhfeadóg stáin, fliúit, veidhlin agus bosca ceoil. Is aoibhinn linn Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Simon agus Ben
GAA season at Kiltiernan NS
/in 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nGAA season at Kiltiernan N.S.
Spring is here and we are back at training for the busy sporting season ahead. The girls’ mini sevens takes place on Wednesday the 19th of March in Kinvara GAA grounds. In the girls’ group are Kiltartan/Tierneevin, Kilbeacanty, G.S. na bhFilí, Doorus, Northampton, Kinvara and Ballinderreen.
The boys’ competition takes place on Friday the 28th in Clarinbridge GAA grounds. In the boys’ group are Clarinbridge, Kinvara, Ardrahan, Doorus, Northampton, Ballyglass and Ballinderreen.
Joe Quinn will resume training on April 2nd. We really look forward to his training sessions because he is a good coach and good craic. So with that we hope to have a good sporting season at school.
By: Padraig and Robert
Book Week
/in 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nBook Week
We have recently finished our Write-A-Books. They were a great success. We have received books from Scoil Iognáid in Galway City. They are excellent. We are very proud of our success with our books. Some of the books we wrote include “Candy Land” by Ellie in 4th, “The Shannon” by James also in 4th, “Famous Diabetics” by Hannah in 5th, “5 Futuristic Technologies” by Eoghan also in 5th, “Brilliant Brazil” by Ben in 6th and “Tom Daley” by Dervla also in 6th. We displayed them in the hallways for everyone to read during bookweek.
We had a visit from the children’s author Patricia Forde. She writes English and Irish books for younger children. She has written books such as “Frogs do not like Dragons” , “Scoil na bPáistí Deasa” and “Hedgehogs do not like Heights” She told us to describe the situation as much as you can when we write creatively, make people feel empathy for your characters and write down all your lies! Honestly she said you could lie all you like in fiction writing!
We organised a monster book quiz to celebrate Book Week. There were all sorts of questions about books and there was a picture round. We had lots of fun and there were two rounds for younger children so they’d get a chance to partake. The winners were Laura in 6th, Stephen and Patrick in 2nd and Killian in Senior Infants. Congratulations guys!
We devised a project called “Buddy Reading” for the week also. It was to help younger kids expand their reading experience and get them to know the senior pupils a little better. The kids in the senior room buddy up with the younger children. There were awards for kind generous senior buddies during the week.
We always enjoy when some mums and dads come in and read to us and this year Michelle (Ava’s mom) and Anne (Abbie’s mom) came in to read to us. Michelle read “The Famous 5” and Anne read “Wayside School is Falling Down”. They were really kind to give up their time and come in and read to us.
On the last day of Book Week Politician Ciaran Canon came in to officially launch our new website. He unveiled our new website and gave out awards to the people who stood out in Buddy Reading. After he unveiled our new website we went into the halla and played some music. He joined in and played “Fields of Gold” by Sting on the keyboard. It sounded really well with the tin whistles, violins and flute.
By Hannah, Eoghan and Sean
Ardrahan in the Final!
/in 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nArdrahan girls in the Final
Ardrahan camogie seniors are in the All-Ireland Club Final, after a heroic defeat of Mullinavat in the Semi-final. The final is scheduled for the 2nd of March in Croke Park.
In honour or the occasion, we wrote poems and slogans. We composed character poems describing a player of our choice, haikus, acrostic poems and kennings poems all based on the theme of Ardrahan and camogie or hurling.
There are many events taking place in Ardrahan to fundraise for the special events there is a bake sale on after 10:30am mass in Labane hall on the 23rd of February
Go on girls!!!!
By Áine and Laura
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nWrite a Book
Most children have finished first drafts by now. After mid-term we will be editing and completing our dedication, acknowledgments, About the author and front and back covers. Everybody loves doing it. The teachers have all helped editing them. When we are finished in early March we will post some pictures on the website. Watch this space.
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