Special Olympics
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nSpecial Olympians Visit
Special Olympics – On Thursday the 22nd of May, we were called in to the hall to meet Special Olympians, and past pupils, Siobhan Conneely and David McLaughlin. Siobhan is Liam’s aunt. They will represent Connaught in dressage and kayaking. It was very interesting to hear about their sports and to ask them about their plans. Siobhan hopes to study art and design, while David plans a career in animation. We had great fun chatting to them and are very proud of our past pupils.
By Laura!!
First Holy Communion 2014
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nFirst Holy Communion 2014
Congratulation to our 2nd class children who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday last : Emma Bruen, Adam Cahill, Diarmuid Callanan, Adam Carr, Sean Cunningham, Timmy Cunningham, Paul Glynn, Luke Hughes , Patrick Nestor, David Mannion, Stephen Mannion , Toby MacAdam , Grace McKermitt & Sean Slevin. Thanks to the parents, in particular Martina Glynn and Martina Carr who helped with the ‘Do This In Memory’ Programme and also the First Class parents who organised the party in Labane Hall.
Ciaran Cannon,TD, launches our new website!
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nCiaran Cannon,TD, launches our new website!
We were delighted to welcome Ciaran Cannon, Minister of State for Training and Skills, to our school on Friday morning, March 7th to officially launch the Kiltiernan NS new website. We had a fabulous morning and Ciaran even joined our students in playing a few tunes!
Special Olympics Kiltiernan NS
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nSpecial Olympics 2014
We are honoured here in Kiltiernan NS to have two past pupils representing Connacht in this year’s Special Olympics. Siobhán Conneely, (Liam’s aunty) will represent her province in Equestrian (dressage) while David McLoughlin will compete in kayaking. If successful in Limerick, they will represent Ireland in Los Angeles in summer 2015.
The Special Olympics Ireland Games 2014 take place in Limerick from the 12th – 15th June. We hope to hold a small fundraising event soon to help send them on their way.
Pictured here are Siobhán and David, with gold medals for swimming, which they won while attending Kiltiernan some time ago.
We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.
Mairead McGuinness visits our school!
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nMairead McGuinness MEP visited our school on February 14th, 2014 to view the school environment and assess the impact of recent flooding on our school. She listened to the concerns of our principal, Edel Leech and a local deputation led by Mattie Hallinan. The concerns were
1. Sanitation hazards due to rising water table
2. Risk of flooding in the grounds and building
3. How the newly proposed M18 construction will effect drainage in the school grounds
4. The provision of runoff from the newly constructed road
Mairead Mc Guinness MEP visiting our school on Feb 14th to assess the impact of recent flooding.
County hurling Final
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nClarinbridge Hurling Champions
/in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nLatest News
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