F.A.I. Five Aside – Colman
F.A.I Football 5 Aside Competition
This year Kiltiernan National School have decided that we would put forward a team into the F.A.I 5 a side football competition. It is a competition that was founded mid-1990s.
The matches start in March and April. The winners from each county go to their provincial finals and then the national finals. The national finals take place in the Aviva International stadium. Last year over 24,000 students competed in this competition.
Our school is lucky enough to have two coaches, Jerry and Rory to train us for this competition. Training takes place in the Ardrahan astro pitch.
On match days you’re allowed to have 5 players on the pitch at one time (Including the goalkeeper). You can also have a roll on roll off substitute system.
By Colman 6th class