Letter to Mairead McGuinness

Letter to Mairead McGuinness


Kilteirnan N.S.


Co Galway


Dear Mairead McGuinness

My name is Erin. P.

I go to school at Kilteirnan National School.

For a couple of months now we have been trying to achieve the Blue Star Programme.

The blue star programme is a programme that engages kids to learn about the EU and how it works.

We’ve done a lot of different projects this school year.

I’ll list my favourites-

We did a power point on a part of European history. I did mine on how Europe got its name. You can see it if you visit.

We also did a word document on a European artist. I researched Michelangelo. We printed all of the word documents and stuck them on the walls of our hallway.

We also did a day where we each brought in a dish from countries in the EU.

I made a delicious Italian sandwich!

If you come to visit I might make and bring some! (hint, hint, please come to our school)

It would make the entire school and I very happy if you visited.

Our principal, Miss Leech says that you came to visit us in 2014 but I wasn’t here then. I came to Ireland during 2015 from Ecuador. I was born in America though.

Our classmates have at least twenty questions to ask you!

I hope that you come to visit!


With love,

Erin. P.

5th Class