Kiltiernan National School Mission Statement
We aim to develop the child’s awareness of him/her self as individuals, his or her own value and dignity and in doing so to respect the individuality and dignity of his or her peers. We want to promote the child’s ability to acknowledge, accept and celebrate difference.
We aim to provide a space in which it is safe to learn, to make mistakes, to ask questions, to express opinions and to grow.
The aim of Kiltiernan N.S. is to provide a happy, secure, appealing and effective learning environment in which each child will become numerate, literate, curious and caring. We aim to develop the child’s ability to become independent and to take responsibility for his or her own learning.
We want to further develop each child’s sense of responsibility for his or her own choices so that he or she can participate fully in the wider world and therefore become aware of the unique and significant contribution he or she can make by providing each child with learning opportunities and an environment that helps to develop these values.