Fourth Class Posts

Hospice Fundraiser
The children of Kiltiernan were very proud to present a cheque…

RTE visit Kiltiernan in lead up to All-Ireland Final
On Tuesday, 2nd September RTE came to our school to tape a segment…

Yeats 3D Art Competition
Yeats 3D Art Competition
Congratulations to our Senior Room…

Booklist for 4th Class 2015-2016
Booklist for 4th Class 2015-2016
The following books…

Booklist for 4th Class 2015-2016
Booklist for 4th Class 2015-2016 Ms. Leech

Galway County Schools Sports 2015
Schools’ County Sports Day
May 26th 2015

Our Visit to Thoor Ballylee
Our Visit to Thoor Ballylee
On the 7th of May, 2015…