About 5ch00lAdm1n
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But we are proud to say that 5ch00lAdm1n contributed 337 entries already.
Entries by 5ch00lAdm1n
European Elections 2014
June 4, 2014 in 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1n
Special Olympics
May 27, 2014 in What's Happening /by 5ch00lAdm1nSpecial Olympians Visit Special Olympics – On Thursday the 22nd of May, we were called in to the hall to meet Special Olympians, and past pupils, Siobhan Conneely and David McLaughlin. Siobhan is Liam’s aunt. They will represent Connaught in dressage and kayaking. It was very interesting to hear about their sports and to ask […]
May 26, 2014 in 4th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nLatvia We have recently finished a project on the country Latvia. We read about it in our SESE book. We did fact files on Riga the capital and on the country itself. We wrote a letter from a Latvian person living in Ireland to their family in Latvia. {Did you know?} The first evergreen tree […]
Go Games
May 26, 2014 in 4th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nGo Games Every Wednesday Joe Quinn comes to our school to be our hurling trainer. After ten weeks he organises ‘Go Games’ in Ardrahan pitch with other schools. The motto is everyone gets a go! The two categories are 3rd & 4th and 5th & 6th who get together for their Go Games on different […]
Science Fusion
May 26, 2014 in 5th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nScienceFusion This month in the senior room, we have been going online to www.folensonline.ie and watching some Science Fusion videos. We have been viewing many different videos such as, ‘’Mirrors and Lenses’’, ‘’What is a Food Chain?’’, ‘’Engineering in our world’’ and ‘’What is Water Power?’’ and we have been learning lots. You might think […]
Trip to the Cathedral
May 26, 2014 in 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nOur trip to the Cathedral On the 13th of May, a week before our Confirmation the 6th class of Kiltiernan, Labane and Ballyglass went for a tour of the Cathedral in Galway. When we arrived we walked up a flight of stairs to the organ. The organ was huge. It had lots of different pipes […]
Junior Infants May 2014
May 20, 2014 in Junior Infants /by 5ch00lAdm1nJunior Infants May Hello everybody. Summer is here, so time for lots of outdoor fun. We have a busy month in school as usual. Congratulations to Second Class who made their Communion this month- Seán has a brother who received the sacrament and it was a very special day for all the boys and girls. […]
Senior Infants May 2014
May 20, 2014 in Senior Infants /by 5ch00lAdm1nSenior Infants May Hello there. Summer is here at last! We have a busy month in school as usual. Congratulations to Second Class who made their Communion this month. Mark Bruen, Orlaith, Peader and Iarla all had brothers and sisters receiving the sacrament. Also, we’d like to congratulate 6th Class who are making their Confirmation […]
First Class May 2014
May 20, 2014 in 1st Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nFirst Class May Hello everybody. Well, summer has arrived but someone forgot to tell the sun to come out! We have a busy month in school as usual. Congratulations to Second Class who made their Communion this month- we’re so looking forward to it being our turn next year. Also, we’d like to congratulate 6th […]
Latest News
Christmas Raffle
Christmas Raffle December 17th 2021 We are delighted […]Christmas Fun Day 19th December
Christmas Fun Day Friday 10th December Please […]STEM AWARD FOR KILTIERNAN N.S.
STEM AWARD FOR KILTIERNAN N.S. In the beginning of […]