Book Week 2016 by Diarmuid

Book Week 2016


We celebrated Book Week 29th. February to 4th of March.  It’s my favourite time of year because I love books more than anything!  My buddy reader was Alastair O’Sullivan who is in 5th. Class.  I love doing buddy reading with him and I think we have a lot in common.  After small break we had our first glimpse at the Book Fair!


On Tuesday Erin Fahy’s Mum came and read ‘Molly’s Diary’.  I thought it was great.


On Wednesday there was a dash of excitement because we were going to Oranmore Library.  I got 6 books which included ‘The Secret of Kells’, ‘Timmy Failure Mistakes Were Made’ and ‘Skylanders Universe Annual 2015’.


On Friday Rory Conroy (one of the animators from ‘Song Of The Sea’) came to visit.  We watched the movie on Monday so we were all experts!  He showed us a cool flip book, told us amazing animation secrets and, of course, how to draw a minion!!  It took up nearly all of our break but it was worth it.  (mostly because we got 5 minutes extra) When we went to Ms. Leeches Room for singing I was sad that Book Week was all over but Ms. Leech said we could carry on buddy reading.  Hurray!



The highlight of Book Week was when Rory Conroy came in to visit.


By Diarmuid, 2nd Class