Kitchen chemistry
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nKitchen chemistry
On Friday 20th November, NUIG students Rehka and Louise came to our school. They study chemistry and are in PHD year. They showed us loads of experiments. My favourite was the elephant’s toothpaste it was like a foam volcano. It was frothy and oooozzzzzy! I’d love to jump in and swim around in it!!!! It was made with hydrogen-peroxide, washing-up-liquid and potassium iodine.
Kitchen Chemistry workshop to celebrate Science week!
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nKitchen Chemistry workshop to celebrate Science week!
On the 21st of November science week was a huge success when Rehka and Louise came to do experiments with us!
We made volcanoes, slime and we even made glow sticks but what I enjoyed mostly was the ‘Liquid Nitrogen’!
When we were using the liquid nitrogen we froze leaves, balloons and we even froze a bubble.
To make a glow stick you need hydrogen peroxide and several salts but to make slime it is quite easy so you can make it at home so you need borax and PVA glue and if you touch it it should feel like scrambled egg!
I’m sure everyone enjoyed Science week because I did!
By Colman Gately
Kitchen Chemistry workshop
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nKitchen Chemistry workshop
On Friday the 21st of November, Rehka and Louise two N.U.I.G. students who are currently studying chemistry came to visit our school to show us some fascinating science experiments. One the coolest and my favourite experiments was the glow stick experiment. This involves hydrogen peroxide and several different salts. When you mix the two ingredients they create a short 3-5 second blue glow. We also made slime which involves P.V.A glue and borax. When you mix the two liquids it turns into a gooey sticky slime. The experiments were great fun and I really enjoyed the morning.
By Oisín
On Friday the 21st of November, Rehka and Louise two N.U.I.G. students who are currently studying chemistry came to visit our school to show us some fascinating science experiments. One the coolest and my favourite experiments was the glow stick experiment. This involves hydrogen peroxide and several different salts. When you mix the two ingredients they create a short 3-5 second blue glow. We also made slime which involves P.V.A glue and borax. When you mix the two liquids it turns into a gooey sticky slime. The experiments were great fun and I really enjoyed the morning.
By Oisín
Debating with Margaret Martyn
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1nDebating with Margaret Martyn
On the 20th of November, Margaret Martyn came to our school to give us feedback on our debating skills. The motions were “Recession can be good” and “Cyber bullying can be stopped”. There were 3 teams of three and 1 team of four from 5th and 6th class.
She gave us tips to improve or debating skills like how we need to put emotion and passion into our voices and how we need to use our “Organs of articulation”. She also said we need to improve our refuting skills.
Our new motions are “Computers should replace teachers” and “Olympics are a waste of money.” The pupils will really enjoy “Computers should replace teachers” and not much will enjoy “Olympics are a waste of money”
We have already started preparing for our next debates as she is coming on the 9th of December and our parents are invited to come and listen, Stay tuned for more updates.
By Ian and Eoghan
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1n
GAA Coaching
/in 4th Class, 5th Class, 6th Class /by 5ch00lAdm1n
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