

Pupils of Kiltiernan N.S. go to swimming every Friday. The swimming teachers are Bernie, Bridie and Cieran.  They teach us different strokes and swimminng techniques.

 At the end of every lesson we have to bellyflop or cannonball dive into the pool and tread water and lie on our backs like we would do in a case if we were drowning.  Last Friday we had to do 40 widths but when we did 40 our teacher kept on pushing us to do 50, then 60, then 70 etc. Everybody was trying thier best to get the m thost they could.

This Thursday we will be wearing clothes in the pool for practise if you everr fell in. We also learned that if someone were to fall into the pool then we would not go into the pool to help them- we would stay out of the pool, grab something that floats, throw it to them and tell them to keep on kicking and swimming.

I have really enjoyed my time swimming this term.


Peader 5th class.