Visit of Minister Simon Harris, with responsibility for the O.P.W.

Minister Simon Harris, with responsibility for the O.P.W. visited Kiltiernan NS on August 4th last.

The purpose of the visit was to bring to the ministers attention the impact recent flooding has had on the school community and local villages. This threat is now heightened with the construction of the new M18 motorway. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Joe Byrne with contributions from Mattie Hallinan (who has fought tirelessly over the years to alleviate the flooding in South Galway), Edel Leech, Principal of Kiltiernan NS, Gert O’Rourke, local T.Ds. and many members of the local community.

The school was delighted when the Minister announced funding of  €250,000 towards the proposed works.

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