Science Experiments

Our senior pupils were working on some very cool science projects and they shared their electricity experiments with us in the Junior Room.

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Book Week Library Visit

We really enjoyed our visit to Oranmore Library during Book Week.

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Notice of AGM







Dear Parents,


The A.G.M. of the above association will be held on Thursday 5th March at 8.00p.m. in Kiltiernan National School.  A representative from each family is requested to attend.



  1. Minutes of last A.G.M.
  2. Matters Arising
  3. Chairperson’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Secretary’s report
  6. Election of new Parents’ Council
  7. Discussion on the effects of the construction phase of M18 on Kiltiernan N.S.
  8. Matters for agenda of subsequent meeting



Yours sincerely,


Mona MacAdam


Spring in the Junior Room

Spring in the Junior Room

St. Bridget’s Day heralded the start of spring. We have had a very busy start to 2015, and we can now proudly call ourselves published authors! Books from all classes will be swapped with other schools and we are sure we have represented ourselves and our school well wherever our books end up! Thanks to all the mums and dads who worked so hard on the books, it is such a rewarding project for the children and we have learned a lot throughout the whole process.

In Science, we learned about Forces, and push and pull. Killian and Seán made fantastic toys from recycled materials to show the force of push/ pull in everyday objects. Well done boys!

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Midterm break will be on Thursday and Friday the 19th and 20th of February.

Our Fun February birthday babies are Eoghan in Junior Infants, who is five now, and Ellie and Béibhinn who are birthday twins! Their moms were side by side in the hospital seven years ago, and the girls have been inseparable since!!

In Maths, we are learning about the time, days, months, years and hours and minutes in Seniors and First, so ask us some tricky questions- we might just surprise you!!


March Magic babies are Matthew Quinn Sheila Gately who will be five and Grace Creedon who will be six.  We hope the mums get a nice rest on Mother’s Day, the 15th of March. School will be closed on Monday and Tuesday the 16th and 17TH of March, and Easter holidays begin at 12.30 on the 27th of March. School reopens on Monday the 13th of April.

Artful April babies are Seán Glynn, Mark Bruen, Eoan O’ Neill, Meadbh Costello and Lauren Kilduff. Happy birthday to you all.


Science Experiments

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Write a Book 2015

write a book 2015 jpeg

Quiz Time

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Food Dudes by Abbie

food dudes by abbie jpeg

Food Dudes 2015

food dudes jpeg

Engineers’ Week

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