Halloween Dress Up 2018

Halloween Dress Up 2018

The pupils of Kiltiernan gathered in the halla for an assembly in October and the principal told everyone that there would be a Halloween dress up competition on the last day of school before the holidays! 

Sadhbh, Katie, Gabriel and Róise were some of the winners. My favourite costumes were the bookworm, the Rubik’s cube (Eimear), the fairy pirate (Róise) and last but definitely not least, ‘it’s raining cats and dogs’ (Erin, 5th Class). Every year the children dress up in their costume feeling proud on stage with their class and as a pupil, I can safely say this is the highlight of our Halloween.

Panto Rehearsal 2019


Panto Rehearsal 2019

This year, the Middle and Senior Rooms are having a panto in Labane Hall on the 19th of February. The Middle Room are performing ‘Bills New Frock’ which is based on a novel they read recently. The Senior Room are performing ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.

The students in both rooms have been practising very hard each day. We have learnt all our lines and have gotten our props ready. We are all looking forward to our performance and we hope everyone enjoys our show!

Local History Trip

Local History Trip

One Friday the classes from 2nd to 6th went on a local history trip to the Mausoleum, Kilmacduagh and Coole Park. Ms O’ Doherty’s father Tom O’ Doherty gave us lots of information about our destinations. Our first stop was the Mausoleum in Ardrahan and we went inside it. We learned that the man who owned most of the land including the Mausoleum was called John Charles Robert Bingham.

After the Mausoleum we went to Kilmacduagh. At Kilmacduagh the students were allowed to walk around. We saw the round tower which reaches a height of over 34m. We also saw St. Colman’s grave. After Kilmacduagh we travelled to Coole Park.

At Coole Park we walked to the autograph tree is and to where Lady Gregory’s house was. After our time in Coole Park we returned to school. It was a great day and we learnt many interesting facts about our local history.


By Liam, 6th Class 

Mini Sevens

Mini Sevens

For me so far, Mini Sevens has been the highlight of my year. It was took place in Kinvara for the girls, and St Thomas’ for the boys. We played four extremely tough games and unpredictably came out on top. Soon after our win, we continued onto the next round. This time it was even tougher but we kept playing to the best of our abilities in the hope that we might make it to the final. We were really excited and we couldn’t help but go mad singing and dancing to songs and music in the dressing rooms! We thanked and praised each other and we no longer cared how we did in the final once we would try our best and put up a fight. We went out with high hopes and found out that we were playing a school from Loughrea.

I can’t say anyone didn’t enjoy themselves as I could hear the roars and shouts from the crowd, the encouraging phrases from our coach, Ms O’Doherty and the subs and of course the players really trying to come out with the ball and cheering when we got a score. Unfortunately, we didn’t come out on top, but all that mattered to us was that we participated and got there. I’m not sure about you, but participating and playing in mini sevens really showed me that the only thing you need to be good at to play camogie is good teamwork. I would like to thank Ms Leech who entered us in the competition and most importantly, Ms O’Doherty who spent endless amounts of break times training us, putting a team and also cheering us on when we really needed it.

By Katie, 6th Class

Beebot Business

Beebot Business

In November for Maths Week, my class (consisting of 4th, 5th and 6th Class) tried using Beebots. Beebots are small robots that you control using three buttons which allow you to turn right, turn left or move forward. We also had little mats that had a number of different shapes or numbers and your mission was to reach multiples of the shape of numbers. Also, some people had a little map and their goal was to get to their destination without going off the road or into the water. The Beetbots were super fun and I’m really looking forward to this year’s Maths Week.


Biz-World by Bank of Ireland

Biz-World 2018

The Senior Room from Kiltiernan N.S decided to participate in a small business programme run by the Bank of Ireland for primary schools. Alan (our coordinator) simply walked us through each step of this programme. We were put in groups and had to come up an invention or idea that we thought we could use in the future. We also had to come up with a clever name for our companies, a name for our inventions and come up with a slogan. Alan had told us that when all the groups have finished their new ‘inventions’ he would be sending in ‘dragons’. Biz-world was very similar to Dragon’s Den except, that this wasn’t real money, and this was a children’s version but we all had a blast taking part in this programme. We had 2-3 weeks to work on our ideas until all the groups were finished. By the final day all the groups had amazing inventions and such clever ideas!

Finally, when all the groups were finished, the day came that we would be presenting our inventions to the dragons. Group by group we went up to the top of classroom to present out brilliant ideas to the dragons.  The dragons were all really impressed with our ideas and they knew that we put a lot of hard work into them. Some of the ideas include the following:

  • A pair of Bluetooth gloves that can work by themselves
  • A fitness app that you must use before using an electric device with many options of exercises
  • A self-functioning cage for dogs
  • A layer of mesh under the bottom of the car so no animals can get caught in the engine

Overall we thought this programme was very fun and enjoyable and we all agreed we would do it again!



By Gráinne, 6th class

Halloween Fancy Dress

Halloween Fancy Dress

In October, our school did a Halloween fancy dress competition between the classes. This competition was just for fun, to dress up and show your friends that you can be artistic! This year there were a lot of amazing costumes from zombies, mimes, cubes and fairies. When I went on to the stage I was so nervous but all my friends were on the stage with me so all my butterflies went away. The whole school competes, even the Junior Infants!

By Grace, 6th Class

The Kiltiernan Quizzers!

Quiz is something that Kiltiernan N.S. has been participating in for a few years now. Due to last year’s success the classes of 6th, 5th and 4th were very excited to participate again. During the last few months of 2018, Michelle and Bridget came back again for this year’s quiz. We are so grateful for them coming in every week as I can confidently say on behalf of all the students taking part that we all had such a great time from half past two until three o’ clock!

We were usually put into groups of four that were decided by the experts, Michelle and Bridget. However after a few weeks of practice we took a quiz to decide the teams and we took these alone. It was very exciting to see who made what team and who was on your team. I was on the first U13 team alongside Edel, Orlaith and Clodagh!

By the time the Annual Kilchreest Quiz rolled around on the 18th of February, we were very well prepared if I do say so myself. At the start the questions were moderately easy. ‘To settle us down’ my Mum says! But after a couple of rounds (with six questions in a round) there were a few stinkers.

Halfway through, they announced the teams who were currently placing well. After hearing who was coming in third and second place, we were sure that we weren’t coming anywhere. But as luck would have it, it turned out that we were in joint first! We were terribly excited!

However, after the second half things got tough. By the end of the quiz our brains needed a holiday. It was all worth it in the end as we came out as proud second placers!

However, the fun wasn’t over yet! For some teams the Credit Union quiz was coming up. Unfortunately, fewer teams would be participating but those who were, were very excited. I wouldn’t doubt though, that there were a few nervous faces as we took are seats once again amongst our teammates!

Once again, they started off with some easy questions such as how many provinces on the island of Ireland, but after a few rounds it got very, very hard! We kept our poker faces on as they called out the answers, but it was very hard to resist high fiving each other if we got a particularly difficult question right!

We were extremely pleased with our results on that night! Our U11 team got a very close 2nd Place and we were just like them. There were two questions separating the U13 team from the winners and walked out with 2nd Place.

This year has been so fun with all the quizzes and I can’t wait for next year!


By Erin, 5th Class       



Our Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair was held on the 9th of December 2018. There were lots of preparations for the fair weeks beforehand. Before the fair officially opened, our choir walked down to the church and we sang a few carols to encourage everyone at Mass to follow us back to the hall. The fair had many stalls including baking, slime and books and there was an area where you could do some art with the help of Orla, who had been coming to after-school for a few weeks to give art lessons. The fair also contained a kids area where you could make a donation and get your face painted, you could get your nails painted and there was also a sweet shop. There was also a Christmas fair raffle which took place by the stage of the hall. There were also guessing games such as how many sweets are in the jar. Overall, the Christmas Fair did extremely well this year. We raised a total of €11,887 for our school. Our raffle netted €5,295 and our Christmas Fair on the day netted €6,592. The Christmas Fair was a great success and it was lots of fun to help out with the 6th Class Baking Stall.

By Eimear, 6th Class

History Trip with Tom O’Doherty

History Trip with Tom O’Doherty


On October 12th 2018, classes from Kiltiernan NS hopped on a bus with local history expert Tom O’Doherty to visit and learn about a few local history sights including the Mausoleum (Caher Cré) and Kilmacduagh Tower just outside Gort and Coole Park.

      First, we visited the Mausoleum in Ardrahan. I was very excited as I had never actually visited the Mausoleum. Mr. O’Doherty told us that the Mausoleum was built to house the remains of John Charles Robert Bingham who died in 1876. His wife and brother were also buried here, and all were removed in 1945 for reburial in Ardrahan Church. Unfortunately you can’t actually see where the Bingham’s are now buried in Labane Church. Tom told us that the coffins were placed in metal “boxes” so no air could get in meaning that if you opened the coffin now all the bodies would look the same as they did the day they died.

      We then jumped back on the bus to visit the Round Toweer at Kilmacduagh, 5km south of Gort town. On the way to Kilmacduagh Tom told us about St Colman’s Well where St Colman is said to be baptised.

      After we arrived in Kilmacduagh most of us went straight to the round tower which is over 32 metres tall. Tom O’Doherty told us that according to legend, Saint Colman MacDuagh was walking through the woods of the Burren when his girdle fell to the ground. Taking this as a sign, he built his monastery on that spot. It is also said no man will ever die from lightning in the Diocese of Kilmacduagh. After we saw the monks round tower, we walked over to St Colman’s grave which is enclosed by yew trees. Yew trees also surround the wall at the Mausoleum, Tom said this is because the berries on the yew trees are full of deadly poison.

      On the way back we stopped at Coole Park for a short visit to the famous Autograph Tree and Lady Gregory’s dog’s graves. Tom told us about the Autograph Tree and about each signature on it. We then visited Lady Gregory’s dog’s graves which lie at the back of Coole Park’s walled garden.

Overall I think we all had a very enjoyable day and enjoyed learning about some of our local history.


Edel, 6th Class    

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